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Free from English Unlocked


These resources are designed to help you communicate better with clients who are learning English as a foreign language.

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We have produced a set of twelve posters to help our clients remember the dos and don'ts of working with spoken word interpreters. The whole series is available to clients who attend our course 'How to work effectively with interpreters.' Three of the posters are available for free, click on the link to download them.



How can you write accessible content which people who are learning English will understand? This free workbook takes you through a five step editing process. It will help you to see your publicity, forms and web pages through the eyes of reader who did not grow up speaking English, and reword them.

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for interviewers

If you are looking for a talented new member of your team, you may be interviewing candidates whose first language isn't English. How can you enable these candidates to shine in the interview? They don't have it easy. This PDF has 10 tips for interviewing candidates whose first language isn't English. 

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for clinicians 

If you have patients who grew up outside the UK, they might require an interpreter. What are your options if an interpreter fails to show up? Our free tool helps you consider your alternatives and think through the potential repercussions of each one. It is designed for clinicians but may be useful for public service providers working in other fields too. 

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